We work with various suppliers to provide primarily certified Fair Trade and Organic (FT/O) beans from around the equator. Our focus is on delivering a freshly and excellently roasted product, rather than offering a variety of options to choose from. Over time, Steel Bridge Coffee customers get to enjoy beans from many different regions.
You can always check to the right of this page to see which crop we are currently roasting and delivering. We got our start roasting beans using a one-pound capacity American-designed Sivetz roaster, manufactured in Corvallis, Oregon. Sivetz roasters operate by forcing hot air through the beans (convection heating), which circulates the beans in the roasting chamber. By contrast, traditional European drum roasters utilize conduction heating and circulate the beans with a rotating drum. Convection roasters (like the Sivetz) tend to develop a coffee's brightness whereas conduction roasters will tend to develop a coffee's body. Michael Sivetz was the inventor of fluid-bed air roasting and we're proud to own one of his machines. Sivetz has since passed away and the family chose to close down the business. Meanwhile, we've upgraded to a larger capacity fluid-bed air roaster made by ASHE LLC in California. |